Welcome to our July 2023 release note. Here is what is new: Request Files are now Messages “Request files” feature has been retired and has been replaced by ‘messages’ feature. You can now send unencrypted messages to portal users and include a secure document upload link in the message. To enable ‘messages’, go to your […]
MyDocSafe June 2023 release notes
Welcome to our June 2023 release note. Here is what is new: Workflows dashboard we added search and sorting for easier data lookup. Note that ‘Home’ dashboard shows all workflows started across all portal groups and portals. If you are interested in looking at worklfows started in a specific Portal Group, you can ither sort […]
New Dashboard for Workflows, data onboarding tools and more
New features released on May 15th, 2023 1. Workflow management has just got easier. Your Home screen now features a new Workflows Dashboard which lists all workflows across all portal group with their statuses, latest changes and links to portals and workflows. You no longer need to check the status of a workflow by navigating […]
New home page, new audit trail and more
Here is some news related to our most recent feature release Enter our brand new Home page Our new Home page is the default page which shows up after you login. It features: A list of tutorials (you can always hide them if you no longer need them – they will always be available via […]