MyDocSafe referral program

How does it work:

  1. Refer a friend, a colleague or a company
  2. Use this self-signup link to access our referral portal:
  3. Record your referral via the submission workflow
  4. Once your referral subscribes we will send you a $50 shopping voucher (or equivalent in British pounds or Euros).  If your company is not happy with that option, you can select a charity we support instead.  We’ll donate the same amount to the one you choose
  5. It does not end here:
    1. If your referral stays with us for one full year, we’ll repeat the process
    2. If your referral stays with us for another full year, we’ll do that one more time
  6. If you your employer is not happy with you receiving shopping vouchers AND none of the charities appeals to you, but you would still like to refer clients to us – please let us know of a charity we could support instead.  We’ll try to add them to the list.MyDocSafe referral program with a business professional using a computer. On the computer screen, prominently display the MyDocSafe

Charities we support:

  • (global)
  • The Woodland Trust (United Kingdom)