
Communicating with clients via portals mydocsafe

Communicating with clients through client portal software: picking the right tone of voice and medium

Secure client portals are designed to be communication hubs, but with a large number of communication mediums available, one needs to carefully design one’s communication strategy with clients in order to hit just the right notes.  From the right tone, through the right frequency and the right content, how you communicate will impact cusotmer satisfaction […]

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client onboarding

What are Experiential Portals and How Can You Use Them?

What are Experiential Portals and How Can You Use Them? In today’s digital world, it is essential for businesses to have the right tools for managing their data and transactions.  One may wonder how to create a client portal in WordPress, Squarespace or Wix, which may be enough for an ecommerce platform but professional services […]

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