Document Templates

An easy way to generate documents from templates

Store your templates in a secure folder. Add variable tags where required. Easily populate new documents with data to generate PDFs that are ready to be sent for signing or shared through secure portals.

Ask clients to fill out documents before they are ready to be signed. Get the data from a webform that will populate the template before it is presented for a signature.

Speed up your document production workflows. Dramatically.


Manage your company’s document templates

  • Build a uniform set of internal document templates that can be shared across the company.

  • Establish a consistent corporate identity across your sales, HR and legal functions.

  • Use ‘dynamic templates’ that can be adjusted on the fly to produce new documents

  • Use ‘static templates’ that are frozen PDFs with variable fields stuck on top of them for electronic signature broadcasts


Dynamic Templates

  • Ideal for documents that change substantially before they are ready.

  • Configuration is easy: just add variable names in curly braces: {}, for example {First name}, {Salary} and signature fields in square brackets: [], for example [#signature.1#], [#date.1#].

  • Variables can be populated by you before you produce a final document or can be populated with data submitted by your client via a questionnaire.

  • Signature fields will be recognised by our system so you don’t have to drag/drop them each time you send out a template for signing.

  • Save time with mail merge feature: generate documents with data uploaded via a CSV file and send them for signing to a large group of people

  • Embed dynamic templates in complex workflows to speed up onboarding processes or easily send them out for signing


Static Templates

  • Ideal for documents that don’t change much but are frequently signed, for example T&Cs or employee circulars.

  • Once configured, send the template for signing to one or many people with a few clicks.

  • Embed static templates in complex onboarding workflows.


Generate new documents in seconds, such as

  • Engagement Letters

  • Quotes & Proposals

  • Employment Contracts

  • Invoices

  • Shareholder Agreements

  • etc.

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The simple, secure, streamlined document template management software

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