Secure client portals are designed to be communication hubs, but with a large number of communication mediums available, one needs to carefully design one’s communication strategy with clients in order to hit just the right notes. From the right tone, through the right frequency and the right content, how you communicate will impact cusotmer satisfaction […]
Getting an appropriate brief from your client – best practice
How to get a brief you are happy with Do you ever struggle to procure a brief from your clients that you are happy with? Or is the information you get often either incorrect or incomplete? Getting the right brief is the battle half won: you have all the information required to provide a quote […]
How to Create a Client Portal That Will Wow Your Customers
How to Create a Client Portal That Will Wow Your Customers As a business owner or service provider, you likely know the importance of providing easy access to your services and information to your clients. However, with so many clients and a busy schedule, keeping up with their demands can be overwhelming. The solution? A […]
The benefits of using data onboarding tools
Beyond questionnaires – the benefits of using data onboarding tools In today’s digital landscape, software companies are constantly competing to gain new clients and maintain existing ones. One way they can stand out from the competition is by offering clever data onboarding tools. These tools help software companies entice clients away from competitors by making […]