
How to wow your customers with client portals

How to Create a Client Portal That Will Wow Your Customers

How to Create a Client Portal That Will Wow Your Customers As a business owner or service provider, you likely know the importance of providing easy access to your services and information to your clients. However, with so many clients and a busy schedule, keeping up with their demands can be overwhelming. The solution? A […]

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client onboarding

What are Experiential Portals and How Can You Use Them?

What are Experiential Portals and How Can You Use Them? In today’s digital world, it is essential for businesses to have the right tools for managing their data and transactions.  One may wonder how to create a client portal in WordPress, Squarespace or Wix, which may be enough for an ecommerce platform but professional services […]

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eIDAS and MyDocSafe

MyDocSafe now offers Qualified Electronic Signatures

What is a Qualified Electronic Signature? A qualified electronic signature (QES) is an electronic signature that is compliant with EU so called eIDAS Regulation (No 910/2014) for electronic transactions within the internal European market. In a nutshell, it allows one to verify authorship of an electronic signature. Note that eIDAS requires that no electronic signature should be denied legal […]

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mydocsafe integrations

MyDocSafe integrates with Act! Premium (Desktop)

MyDocSafe is proud to announce a release of an integration with Act! Premium (Desktop) . Newcastle upon Tyne and Bedford, UK  — Act!, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation solution for small to medium-sized businesses, today announced an integration with MyDocSafe – an all-in-one document workflow and e-sign software. By integrating the […]

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