May 2024 release notes

MyDocSafe Permission levels for selling team

We have now released:

  • ability to automatically sum up values entered in a Grid widget in a questionnaire.  To see how to set it up, follow these instructions.
  • we improved the look and feel of our document viewer (and more improvements are coming)
  • we introduced new permission levels that make it easy for you to onboard your own sales team.  You can now give your sales team access to Prospect Groups ONLY.  As long as they also have access to Contacts and SalesFlows they will be able to trigger any type of pre-sale workflow or a business proposal without having administrative access.  If you want the operations team to be able to upsell to existing clients through Client Portals, make sure you also give them Contact and SalesFlow access.  What is under the hood:
    • access to Contacts lets your teams create new contacts when they invite users to portals or when they send proposals to new prospects.
    • access to SalesFlows gives your teams access to your service definitions and pricing information letting them trigger payment requests or send quotes
    • what is coming soon: access levels for KYC/AML result testsMyDocSafe Permission levels for selling team