
Client Portals for Tax Accountants - a case study

Client Portals for Tax Accountants – a case study

The complex world of US tax accountants US tax accountants face several challenges in their profession: keeping up with the constantly changing tax laws and regulations, increasing pressure to provide more value-added services to clients, such as financial planning and advisory services and unrealistic client expecations, who do not understand the complexities of the tax […]

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eIDAS and MyDocSafe

MyDocSafe now offers Qualified Electronic Signatures

What is a Qualified Electronic Signature? A qualified electronic signature (QES) is an electronic signature that is compliant with European Union’s so called eIDAS Regulation (No 910/2014) for electronic transactions within the internal European market. In a nutshell, it allows one to verify authorship of an electronic signature. Note that eIDAS requires that no electronic signature should be […]

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