Ideal for clients who need secure interactions, job candidates going through interviews, or employees who need payslips and handbooks.
Quickly and easily share files, documents for signing and data collection forms with customers. This has a lot of potential uses, especially when managing processes such as onboarding.
Keep your clients’ data safe and your processes compliant with security by design, privacy by default. All this can be ensured automatically with our intuitive and customisable client portal software.
Upload client folders to secure cloud portals for faster, more efficient document management.
Customise MyDocSafe for your business todayLearn more
Our simple, secure and streamlined client portal software is bound to deliver an exceptional onboarding experience, not just for your customers but also for your team.
The fact that everything from the micro-processes to the design elements can be customised adds another degree of personalisation that will surely keep your clients satisfied and at ease.
Don’t waste another minute and start making your onboarding process more convenient for everyone. Sign up for a free trial today.
Yes, you can upload a CSV file with client information and let us do the heavy lifting. We will invite each client to their own separate portal which will be cloned from a template that you set up beforehand.
Go to a specific portal, click on ‘messages’ tab and send a document upload request. The client will receive a secure upload link by email which they can use to drag/drop documents even without having to login to the portal.
For quotes and proposals, use our Prospects portal group through which you can send out requests for payment, quotes, business proposal and pre-sale workflows that can include service selection, form filling, contract signing and more. If you want to sell through secure portals, create your checkout workflow templates and embed them in the portals. Each client will be able to see them and act on them independently of you.
The interface language defaults to the browser’s preferred language if we have it available, or English, if we don’t. Currently we support the interface in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Ukrainian. And English of course, in two flavours: UK and US. Do let us know if you require more languages!